What if Rose Tyler was born a hunter?
What if Castiel was a member of Torchwood?
What if Sherlock Holmes dabbled in witchcraft?
What if John Watson was an angel of the Lord?
What if Sam and Dean Winchester were the last of the Timelords?
That’s the optional prompt for this week’s Fanwork Friday! Draw/write/edit/gif the career change of your choice and tag it with superwholockthecomic to be featured on the blog!
Don’t like the prompt? No problem! Do your own thang! The important thing is to make art. This comic gave me a reason to make art at a time I didn’t feel like I could make anything of value, so let it be your reason too!
And remember, participants will also receive a teaser for SuperWhoLock The Comic in their ask box at the end of the day!
We got some amazing entries for Guns’N’Roses week last Friday, let’s see if we can get even more this week!
…. i am certain I can write something for this.