Top 10 TV shows — write down your top shows and then tag 10 friends to do the same! the order doesn’t matter.

I was tagged by shellysbees. Let’s see what my sleepy brain comes up with

  1. Doctor Who
  2. Torchwood
  3. Sherlock
  4. Firefly
  5. Red Dwarf
  6. Star Trek (any of them)
  7. Granada Holmes
  8. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
  9. The Simpsons
  10. The Muppet Show

I’ll tag jazzforthecaptain, hums-happily, darkestelemental616, beminevalentines and cuddlyharkness or anyone else who wants to do it, and as always, feel free to ignore

Spell your username with song titles!

I was tagged by gwencoopcr. I’m just gonig to go with the first song that pops in my head, why not. And I’ll link to the songs.

My way – Frank Sinatra
Echo – Jason Walker
Right Now – Van Halen
I am What I am – John Barrowman
November Rain – Guns and Roses
Down on the Corner – Credence Clearwater Reival
All of me – John Legend
Blue – Eiffel 6

Apparently my brain went half 80s there. i’ll tag hums-happily, jazzforthecaptain and shellysbees and anyone else who wants to do it

choose five otps without looking at the questions in the read more first, then tag five people .

I was tagged by feverpitchfiasco

And I am tagging — hums-happily, eveningsoother, jqhnlock, greencarnations and awabubbles

Ok, so my OTPs are:

1) Mystrade

2) Johnlock

3) Janto

4) Stucky

5) Harkstiel

1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 5?

Hah, it’s not something that’s ever come to pass on screen  (sadly). It’s jazzforthecaptain. It’s ALL jazzforthecaptain. I don’t remember which thing she did that actually got me on that wagon, but probably it was art. Actually I’m pretty sure it’s art and I sit here and think about it, I think it was this one.

2. Have you even read fanfiction about 2?

hahahahaha. I mean. Uh. Yes. A little. 

3. Has a picture of 4 been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr ID?

Nope, not yet, sorry.

4. If 3 were to suddenly break up today what would your reaction?

Oh, oh god, that’s ironic…..

5. Why is 1 so important?

It’s my comfort ship. IT’s johnlock with a bit less drama but equally interesting personalities. 

6. Is 4 a funny or serious ship?

To me stucky is a bit more serious, but they can have fun too.

7. Out of all the ships listed which ship has the most chemistry?

Well, hell, since 2 of 5 haven’t actually been together… My gut instinct is the johnlock, but the others have their chemistry too. 

8. Out of all the ships which ship has the strongest bond?

Hmmm. I’m gonna say stucky, because with all they’ve been through, it’s canon just how much they mean to each other.

9. How many times have you read/watched 2’s fandom?

All the goddamn time.

10. How many times, if ever, has 5 broken up?

Oh many times, off and on through the centuries. One thing about a couple of immortals getting together…

11. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 1 or 3?

Well, at least half of 3 would…  Actually my money would be on 1, just because Mycroft has ways of doing things…

12. Did 4 have to hide their relationship for any reason?

Well given that the 1930s and 40s weren’t know for their embrace of gay culture, I’d say yes.

13. Is 5 still together?


14. Is 1 canon?

No, and honestly? I don’t want it to be. I like my fanon.

15. If all five ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?

Oooh, that’s tough. Jack and Cas do have an unfair advantage though. It would be a scrappy fight all the way around I think.

16. Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?

I’m sure several people have. John Hart, probably, at some point.

17. Which ships would you defend to death and beyond?


18. Have you ever spent hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?


19. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the five ships to break up forever, which ship would you sink?

Sorry janto. I’ve already more or less had time to get over that one anyway ><

I was tagged by ceywoozle

Rules: Repost this and tag ten(ish) people you want to get to know better.



Fictional character: Well Jack Harkness, obvoiusly. But also John Watson, Merlin (Crystal Cave Trilogy), lots and lots of others.

Book: Ender’s Game. Also Canticle for Leibowitz, The Crystal Cave trilogy, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Time Enough for Love

Anime: um.. Whisper of the Heart?

TV show:  Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock (and I still love Star Trek too)

Beverage: Diet Dr Pepper

Food: Bacon, Lasagna, southwest egg rolls

Last movie I saw in the cinema: Big Hero Six

Dream holiday: Bumming around Europe. Or at least the UK and Ireland and Normandy and Italy

Dream wedding: Been married more than 16 years now, a bit late.

Dream job: writer/screenwriter

Nicknames: Mer

Birthday: Feb 14

Gender: female

Sexual orientation: straight (ish?)

Favourite colour: blue

Time and date at current: december 9, 11:07 pm

Average hours of sleep: 7

Lucky number: 2 

Last thing I Googled: the proper spelling of collared

First word that comes to mind: dreams

One place that makes me happy: Mountains

How many blankets I sleep under: 3, or a duvet, a thin flannel one and a sheet

And I’ll tag bonusvampirus, jazzforthecaptain, awabubbles, willietheplaidjacket, dvancecinco, hums-happily, darkestelemental616, deaflock, practicefortheheart

You can tell a lot about someone by the music they listen to. Hit shuffle on your iPod/iPhone/iTunes/media player and write down the first 10 songs. Then pass this onto 10 people.

I was tagged by guixonlove

  1. Smells Like Nirvana – “Weird Al” Yankovic
  2. Don’t You (Forget about me) – Simple Minds
  3. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These) – Eurythmics
  4. Super Trouper – Mamma Mia Soundtrack
  5. Hit Me With Your Best Shot – Pat Benatar
  6. Summerlong – Kathleen Edwards
  7. Who Knew – Pink
  8. Go the Distance – Disney’s Herculese
  9. Not With Haste – Mumford & Sons
  10. When You were Young – The Killers

Apparently my shuffle is feeling a bit 80s…

I tag bonusvampirus, conductoroftardislight, reclusiveq, jazzforthecaptain, awabubbles and uhh, whoever else wants to

If you don’t know your personality type, take the test here.

Rules: Find out what characters share the same personality type as you here and list the characters that you find relevant below. Then tag some friends and let them know you tagged them!

I was tagged by lucianajellyfish

I think I tend to come out either enfj or enfp, this time I came out with the P, and yeah, this is pretty accureate:

ENFPs like to change things for the better, and have contagious enthusiasm, but no patience for crossing I’s and dotting T’s. They are good at anticipating others’ needs, but crave attention and recognition.

Obviously I cut that list down. Mostly to people I know. Interesting that I’m apparently Pinkie Pie and Anakin Skywalker. Lol. I guess that’s the good side and the dark side right there. Also possibly Starfleet Captain material.

Allright so I’m gonna tag themadkatter13, guixonlove, jazzforthecaptain, willietheplaidjacket, youknownothingmomsnow and reclusiveq

I was tagged by bonusvampirus

Put your music device on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that play without skipping. tag 10 people afterwards

  1. Play That Funky Music – White Cherry
  2. Bring me to life – Evanescence
  3. Amish Paradise – Weird Al Yankovic
  4. Hooked on a Feeling – Blue Swede
  5. For the First time in Forever – Frozen
  6. No, Never – Jimmy Eat World
  7. Nightmares – Chameleon Circuit
  8. Lover of the Light – Mumford and Sons
  9. We are young – Fun.
  10. Wake me up before you go – Wham!

This….is actually a pretty good representation of my eclectic tastes, and uh, I’ve been listening to the Awesome Mix from GOTG a lot lately…

tagging themadkatter13, type40consultingdetective, demonicsymphony, beltainefaerie, beautifullyheeled, jazzforthecaptain, awabubbles, everythingelsegoesherethen, reclusiveq, guixonlove