Sherlock is a quiet nerd who pines after John from afar but one summer sherlock grows 5 inches and his voice drops and come school year John sees him and HEARS him and realizes he may not be as straight as he thought.
wow how did these happen what serendipity
I wrote a birthday present fic for type40consultingdetective
Fooled Around and Fell in Love – It’s teenaged Greg and Mycroft’s first date… and a night for other firsts…
teaser below the cut
Mycroft paced in his front room, ears straining for the sound of a car. He was wearing tan slacks, a blue button up and a light green jumper. And it had only taken trying on five outfits to decide. Stupid to be nervous; he and Greg had been spending plenty of time together at school. Mycroft didn’t go on dates, but, Greg had got his attention, beat up leather jacket, torn jeans, cocky grin and all.
At last he heard the the car pull up the drive. He moved to the mirror to fix his hair (again) and so he wasn’t by the door when the bell rang. Ten-year old Sherlock darted out of the hall and pulled open the door, looking up at Greg with a critical eye.
“Getting tired of girls cheating on you and decided to try boys?” asked Sherlock.
Mycroft blushed and moved to intercept. To his surprise, Greg crouched down so he was eye level. “Actually I’ve always liked boys and girls. And I really like your brother. Is it alright if I take him on a date?”
Sherlock looked thoughtful. Finally he nodded and stepped back. Greg nodded in return, stood and grinned warmly at Mycroft. “You look great,” he said sincerely.
Mycroft smiled back and took his arm as they went to Greg’s car. It looked a bit beat up, but Greg kept it running perfectly. Greg got the door and Mycroft settled into the passenger seat.
Once they got onto the main road, Greg rested his hand on Mycroft’s knee. He didn’t mind at all, putting his hand over Greg’s and entwining their fingers. It wasn’t a long way to the drive in, and Greg paid and parked them off to one side, but not too far back.
“Do you want popcorn?” Asked Greg.
Mycroft smiled at him. “If you do.”
Greg shrugged and leaned in towards Mycroft. Heart thumping, Mycroft closed his eyes as Greg’s lips brushed his own. As he pulled away, Mycroft found himself leaning forward, trying to chase the taste. Greg chuckled softly and cupped his cheek. “Plenty of time for that,” he smiled. “I’ll get that popcorn.”