


#These three quotes are impressively indicative of the Doctor’s personality in each incarnation #Nine was cold and broken from the war always seeing the worst and blaming the ‘stupid apes’ #until Rose came along and started to fix him – started to make him better and showed him how fantastic everything actually was #And most importantly that he’s not this horrible person who committed genocide and killed his whole planet and people #He did what he had to do and despite it all you know what? he was fantastic. #Ten on the other hand – so incredibly human #He felt everything on such a deeper emotional level than any of his previous incarnations #‘the one adventure i can never have’ with the one person he was essentially made for (and because of) #He’s probably the only version who has ever or will ever want the potential of that adventure #And finally Eleven #Eleven who was born out of Ten’s despair and his ‘I dont want to go’ #Whose levels of self-hatred are so high that he locked himself and Amy and Rory in a dream state just to essentially kill himself #Who opened Door 11 in the hotel and said ‘who else?’ #He doesn’t let anyone close anymore – even Amy – and hides behind his childish exterior and ‘bowties are cool’ distractions #He knows the only one he will have left is the TARDIS #Amy and Rory are married and he’s already seen the death of River Song #Eleven is definitely a madman with the only companion he has left – his blue box #ugh my heart #WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (via winterinthetardis)







I’m always all right.

This moment right here is what, more than anything, made me love Donna Noble. I mean, I love her sass and her personality and that she calls the Doctor on his shit, but this moment was so SO powerful to me. Because he used this line on Rose and Martha and they both accepted it. But Donna freaking Noble sees through that “I’m always all right” lie in an instant, and isn’t afraid to say “it’s okay to not be fine, in fact, I’d rather prefer it because that way we can be not fine together because that’s what friends do.”