GREENIE. Im not sure if you’re the person to ask but I figured it wouldn’t hurt. I just started a fic by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John that I loveeeee but it’s Sherlock/John/Greg which i didn’t have a thing for until now… do you have any fic recs for this trio???



Anon! This isn’t really my OT3 but am I right in thinking this is something @merindab ships, writes and loves??? (janto321 on AO3) 💜

Oh, boy, do I have some recc’s for this OT3!

Missing In Action by @wastingyourgum

An Unexpected Dance Partner by @merindab

And Sherlock Makes Three by wendymalowe

Switch by marlowe tops

Stages by poppyalexander

The Making Of by @emmagrant01

Three’s The Charm by sexxica

Tied Up Series by lockedin221b

Truth Will Out by kestrel337

Under Control by lapislazuli

Phew! Delightfully enough, most of these authors have written other Johnlockstrade pieces as well. 

Do read the tags as there are too many for me to summarise. Enjoy and welcome to the club! <3

Johnlockstrade is indeed my favorite OT3. Looks like I have 16 so far Thank you for thinking of me!

Adrift in a Cold Sea – janto321 (FaceofMer) – Sherlock (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Adrift in a Cold Sea – janto321 (FaceofMer) – Sherlock (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

any good bottom!john fics?? or a list that i have not discovered yet?



Hey friend, I do have some things I could pass along …


Even More Bottom!John & Toplock

Cruisin’ for a
LogicalApplication, mandysimo13, 6 k, explicit. John is kind of fascinated
(obsessed) with Sherlocks beefier post-reichenbach figure.

Just Like That by sussexbound
(SamanthaLenore), 8 k, explicit. John gets hurt on a case. It’s a minor thing,
but he realizes he’s getting old. Sherlock shows John he isn’t too old for him.

twenty-one by PreciselyVex
(CrashEdit), 4 k, explicit. Sherlock presents John with a challenge, and learns
something new about him in the process…

as you are (he is)
by threadoflife, 4
k, explicit. You wake up after a nightmare (the same one, always the same one),
and Sherlock is there. Some nights, there is only one thing to help you: when
Sherlock bears you down.

Unstable by mysleepyhead, 7 k,
explicit. It starts with the table, and ends at the table.

A Long Sigh Of
Maribor_Petrichor, 11 k, explicit. A drug binge and a heated argument bring
about an unexpected confrontation.

hedonism by threadoflife, 2 k,
explicit. If there’s one thing Sherlock Holmes is a whore for, it’s John
hedonism. Because John? John is the biggest cock whore. Sherlock’s cock and
hedonism go together beautifully.

Through The Wardrobe
by 221BeStillMyHeart
(HighTimesWithHiddles), eragon19, 3 k, explicit. This is what happens when
Sherlock’s closet contains more than John bargained for…

For the first time by Epephany, 2 k, explicit.
In which Sherlock and John smoke weed together for the first time. For a case
of course

Truth or Dare? –
by breathing_exe,
2 k, mature.  Sherlock and John play a
game together while drunk that takes them to interesting place.

Haunted Places by janto321 (FaceofMer), 1
k, explicit. John needs to forget, at least for a little while

First Christmas by CumberCurlyGirl, 4 k,
explicit. Sherlock and John’s first Christmas after being married. John buys
Sherlock a beautiful new suit. Sherlock surprises John by incorporating the
suit into a very sexy and original gift in return.

Watch Your Language
by Sini333, 3 k,
explicit. John curses like a trucker. Sherlock has had enough. Time to teach
the blogger to watch his tongue.

Don’t forget to check out @fuckingjohnprompts for an absolute TREASURE TROVE of bottom!john ficlets.