For me personally as a gay man, the problem is of trying to burden popular series with having to sort of carry everything at once. It’s very difficult to have a gay baddie because then the danger is you’re saying that gay people are bad. Whereas you know the point is that everyone is all shades of everything. That’s life. Obviously when there was far less representation that’s a bigger burden, but now I think there is much more, we should all be a bit more grown up about it and [be] allowed to say, you know, you can be a grumpy bisexual person. You can be a very camp gay person. All sorts of things.
Mark Gatiss SDCC 2016 (via taiclops)
Gay Baddie:

Grumpy Bisexual:

Campy Gay:

(via veni-vidi-vent-the-fuck-home)
It’s like they watch their own show!
(via geekgirl1)
I tried this. But @veni-vidi-vent-the-fuck-home selected the best gifs. I was searching for the gun felatio clip….
(via girlofthemirror)
remember when we almost got a gossipy, cute camping episode of torchwood and then it turned out to be a creepy, existential, cannibalistic horror movie