Allright, due to overwhelming demand from the internet, here is Jack Harkness/Sherlock Holmes. It’s PWP with a bit of feels. Sorry.

You Don’t Belong Here Either – Jack Harkness and Sherlock Holmes meet in a bar. It doesn’t quite go as expected.

teaser below the cut

Jack sipped his drink, watching the bar. He didn’t often come to London, but sometimes the job demanded it. And that dark haired young man didn’t belong here. Not in this sort of bar anyway. Oh he was fitting in well. He would fool anyone else. But Jack Harkness had been around the block enough to spot a phony. He got a second pint and made his way over, sliding smoothly in next to the man. “Captain Jack Harkness,” he smiled, setting down the pint.

The stranger narrowed his eyes and looked at Jack, seeming to take in every detail. “You’re Torchwood.”

Jack leaned back, smile never slipping, even as he crossed his arms. “Well. You seem to have me at a disadvantage.”

He scoffed. “I have everyone at a disadvantage.”

Leaning forward again, Jack met his eyes. “You don’t belong in here. You came looking for someone.”

“Well then, ‘Captain’, that makes two of us.” His voice was deep, clearly used to manipulating people to get what he wanted. Maybe a latent psychic talent no one would know about for a few hundred years.

“Is the guy you’re looking for here?” Jack’s tongue slid along his lips.

Rolling his eyes, the man made to stand. “No. And I have no interest in anything you might have to offer.”

“Can I get a name, at least?” Jack watched him, intrigued.

“Sherlock Holmes.” He was gone in a swirl of coat. Jack chuckled. He knew that trick too. Well, he might be back. And Jack could be patient.

continue on AO3