media depictions of the Token Gay Friend who is only friends w/ straight ppl even tho they live somewhere w/ plenty of opportunity to meet other lgbt+ ppl are really weird bc in actuality for most of us given the chance our friend groups typically turn out more like a half dozen fellow queers & one straight girl named catherine who’s a really good sport
#mer is our Catherine (via tiger-in-the-flightdeck)
Tiger I’ll have you know I showed this to another group of friends and they’ve all agreed and decided I should be called Catherine from now on.
It’s fanfic writer’s appreciation day and I just want to give you a bunch of love. Not only are you an amazing writer, but you’ve helped foster a growing appreciation for the canon and definitely given me a love of Granada. And you’re a wonderful person to boot. Plus, you know, mouse porn.
Oh, I definitely needed this after the week I’ve had. Thanks so much, Mer. I’m glad I could bring you into the beauty that is Granada.
And every ask I get should end with ‘Plus, you know, mouse porn.’

Are ya’ll following Tiger? You really should.
Behold perfection.
#i want to climb that tiny little mountain of raw alpha male and yodel from its peak (via tiger-in-the-flightdeck)
Always read Tiger’s tags
tiger-in-the-flightdeck replied to your photo “Decided to wear the white dress today so naturally I put on my flower…”
That dress looks great on you!

Thank you!
Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day.
Thank you so much!

40 with software malfunction. if you could change the ending to anything what would it be?
I’ve not read software malfunction. It’s on my short list of fics I won’t ever read because I can’t handle major angst or character death. (Alone on the water is another one)
I do very much love Tiger in the Flightdeck though