Tony and Peter sharing the same sentiment on why they do what they do, which is to protect the people and the world they love and care about (inspired by @knightinironarmor [x])
Tony and Peter sharing the same sentiment on why they do what they do, which is to protect the people and the world they love and care about (inspired by @knightinironarmor [x])
Tony and Peter sharing the same sentiment on why they do what they do, which is to protect the people and the world they love and care about (inspired by @knightinironarmor [x])
Ok, I have to share this. This weekend we had the very first TOKYO Comic Con; Jeremy came Stan Lee came, among other great guests and there are amazing photos shared on twitter (unfortunately I couldn’t go). And I want to share some photos I found on twitter.
There was a very nice Tony Stark on that day.
I think he looks quite good (best I ever seen among Japanese cosplayers), and you can see a Spidey looking at Tony behind already. Of course how Spidey can resist Tony Stark.
No he just can’t.
It’s Mr. Stark!
But the thing is he’s not the only one.
You can see other Spideys behind, looking at them with envy. And well, there were lots of Spideys that day. Hi everyone!
And there is only one Tony Stark, they had to share him.
Ok guys, calm down, he’s not going anyware,
Behave yourself!!
This was so funny I wanted to share here.
The gif I made in rush, other than that all photos are original ones I found on twitter, original links here>>
Okay, are we seriously not going to talk about this majestic af robe from Iron Man 2? Y’all disappoint me.
Hmmm guys, can I make a few additions?
“After months in hell I still look fine as fuck”
“I look soft but I’m Vengeful Prepare To Feel My Wrath”
“I know I’m a delight and you feel honored to be in my presence. You’re welcome.”
“I’m wearing a Black Sabbath shirt because, you know, Iron Man”
“I’m wearing a suit because I am a Serious Billionaire Business Man but also a silly shirt because I Don’t Like Rules and sunglasses to hide im heartbroken”
“I Am supposed to be A Responsible Adult And You’re Grounded Young Man”
Anyway no one can lose this argument because we’re all winning.
I know one of y’all put him dressed in this and it looking all nice and put together like it’s worth a few million dollars or something BUT CAN WE ALSO POINT OUT HOW GOOD HE LOOKS WITH EVERYTHING LOOSENED??? Homeboy is looking like a goddamn snackmealbuffet in that outfit hot damn.
*happy sigh*
How the fuck did you forget the graphic cat tee + sunglasses look
Excuse all of u but how dare u all forget that moment of tony decked in all black with a leather jacket, angry and speaking french? Unmatched
Always reblog
Yeah but we’re forgetting about the reverse strip tease??
Oh and this Look™️ them glasses and jacket tho
i agree 1001% with all of the above and would also like to add
The other day I was going along with my life like normal and then all of a sudden I was AMBUSHED BY FEELINGS because…
In Iron Man 3, Tony Stark–child of wealth, raised mostly by his father’s fastidious butler, for his entire adult life cocooned in the kind of fabulous wealth that usually makes people who have it almost incapable of comprehending the minutiae of life without it–asks Harley Keener to bring him a tuna fish sandwich.
Has Tony ever eaten tuna from a can or bread from a plastic bag in his entire life? Maybe once, on a dare? Does he know literally anyone who eats tuna fish sandwiches?
But he thinks to consider what Harley will be able to provide, not just in culinary skills but in the likely contents of the pantry stocked by a single mom in Tennessee, and he asks for that. He doesn’t even just vaguely ask for food, acknowledging that he has no idea what’s available; he asks for a specific doable thing so that Harley will have no reason to think that that isn’t exactly what Tony wants to eat.
(And he grades it “fair” afterward, which–Tony, don’t try to hide it, that was hands down the best of the mayyyyybe two tuna fish sandwiches you have ever eaten in your life.)