Go to your A03 and sort your stories by kudos. List the top five below. What do you think of them? Do these particular stories deserve the attention?

I was tagged by @dozmuffinxc, original meme by @adreadfulidea:

  1. One Starry Night Sherlock, Werewolf John/Vampire Sherlock
  2. A Soldier’s Luck Sherlock, Johnlock
  3. The Value of an Omega Sherlock, Asexual Sherlock/John
  4. The Bond we Make


    Asexual Sherlock/John

  5. Mycroft’s Choice Sherlock, Mystrade

These are ALL omegaverse. I am endlessly amused that Starry Night is my most popular fic because it started off as kind of a joke I playfully called ‘my kitchen sink fic’ (omegaverse/werewolf/vampire) for a @johnwantsit fic prompt weekend and then it took off like crazypants and ended up having a modicum of plot, even. A Soldiers Luck was a commission fic and I’m still proud of how that came out. The Value of an Omega was, for a long time before these other two came along, my top kudosed fic. That’s always pleased me because it is omegaverse, it is asexual Sherlock, and there’s no sex. Conversely, The Bond we Make has the opposite choice being made and there is sex, despite Sherlock being ace. But I think I handled it appropriately and it all makes sense. Finally I LOVE Mycroft’s Choice and I’m glad so many other people do too. I enjoy exploring omega Mycroft and, well, his choices and how good a patient alpha like Greg can be for him.

I’m a gonna tag @guixonlove, @fangirlscout, @themadkatter13, @hums-happily, @awabubbles, @jazzforthecaptain and @reclusiveq (and anyone else who wants to)