




I JUST realized, even after watching every episode of modern who and Torchwood, that Torchwood is an anagram for Doctor Who. I feel like I’m the last person in the universe to realize this, but my mind is blown.

At least 3 other people have noticed it after you this weekend. You’re good.

and torchwoodisananagramfordoctorwho will continue to be a thing until literally the last person in the universe does realize this.

at which point i don’t know how jacquie will spend her time. sequel blog: peter capaldi was on torchwood?.

Depends how far in the future, like I should probably start that Peter Capaldi blog soon, but in a thousand years time when no ones remembers that Torchwood is an anagram for Doctor Who I guess I’ll just start a blog responding to what I assume will be the most common question, “what the fuck is Torchwood?” My life will be long and eventful.

would you answer the question “what the fuck is Torchwood” or would you just post random gifs of John Barrowman


I played the “Just realized Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who” card in a Cards Against Humanity game yesterday… and two people went “Wait what? I didn’t know that!”