

The fact that Kirk’s last line in his final movie is “second star to the right, and straight on till morning” really rips me up inside.

This is a man who spent his entire time on the bridge quoting Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, the American constitution, and classic texts that would instill feelings of grandeur among his crew. What does he say when Starfleet asks him to return his ship and end the journey that defined his whole life? He quotes Peter Pan. He says it with such playfulness and that same gleam of hope in his eye he had when he first began captaining the Enterprise. Kirk refuses to grow up, just as Peter Pan does, even if he knows it’s inevitable. If he’s too old to keep this up anymore, then Starfleet is going to have to pry his rank and ship from his cold, dead hands. He’s going to Neverland, where he and the crew he’s gotten to know and love with all his heart will never have to end their journey through the stars.

Also don’t even get me STARTED on Spock’s “if I were human, I believe my response would be, go to hell…IF I were human” thing. What a perfect way to finish his character development arc. He still acknowledges that he represses his humanity and takes after Vulcan customs instead, but he is able to hypothesize and articulate the response his human side would have, had he accepted his humanity instead. In many ways, this is Spock finally CONSCIOUSLY beginning to accept his human half for what it is, along with everything it brings him. And…he seems to like it.

Vintage Trek Zine Fanart


So [my roommate from college]‘s aunt and uncle were old-school fen, back in the day.  This is what she recently inherited:


Now, I’m going to omit credits on these, simply because some of the names of the artists may be their real names.  Since what fandom was then is not what fandom is fandom now, and there’s a big difference between ‘publishing something in a limited-run mail-order printed fanzine in 1973’ and ‘posting it online where google can find it in 2015,’ my policy here is to add credits only if the artists request it (they can email me at this username dot gmail dot com).

Ready, friends?


Are you sure?


It gets better.


Aw, that’s…


…oh hey tentacles, nice to know some things were always classics.


“Draw me like one of your french girls” before Titanic was even a thing.


Is that Risa?


It’s gotta be Risa.


I actually really like this artist.  Fortunately, they were fairly prolific:


You know what, I know what the context for this one and the next is, but they’re better without.


And then the classic ‘caught changing’ pinup, which I find much more entertaining than the reboot version:


And lest you think it’s all about the dudes:


…this is just a small sampling.  I haven’t even got to the tentacle-penis pinup or the slavery AU or the “did they go to a Roman planet? and is that a crucifixion in the background of the kirk/spock snogging” pics.  Or the tribble humping a wig stand.  But this post is long enough.