Posting this today, as it appears to be a quiet day for news in the fandom.
We know that TPLoSH is the template Mark and Steven use for BBC Sherlock. TPLoSH is considered canon, and so we should look there for references and clues. Here are several nods to that film which appear in BBC Sherlock.
TPLoSH; case solved in Yorkshire when Holmes timed the rate the parsley had sunk into butter. In BBC Sherlock: Many Happy Returns sees an official state he solved a case by measuring the time it took for a chocolate flake to sink into the ice-cream.
TPLoSH: Holmes tells Watson he envies the peace and quiet of John’s mind, as his own races like an engine. In THoB Sherlock tells John the same.
TPLoSH: Watson angry over being assumed ‘gay’. In BBC Sherlock; same.
TPLoSH: Holmes states the ‘curtain goes up’ when he discovers a case. In BBC Sherlock, we hear that ‘the curtain rises’ in TGG.
TPLoSH: Holmes is outplayed by the spy Gabrielle. Parallel to Irene in ASiB.
TPLoSH: the naked woman with Holmes showing zero interest. In ASiB we have the same scene.
TPLoSH: the kiss on the cheek for Holmes from Gabrielle. In ASiB the same for Sherlock from Irene.
TPLoSH: Gabrielle uses a parasol to Morse code her secrets to the German monks. In ASiB Irene uses her mobile phone to send the information to Moriarty.
TPLoSH: Mycroft states Gabrielle is better than most of his agents. In ASiB Mycroft tells Irene; ‘I wish our lot were half as good as you.’
TPLoSH: Watson hides the cocaine in the files at 221B. In THoB John hides the cigarettes in the skull. In both, Holmes/Sherlock plead for John to tell them where he has hidden the items.
TPLoSH: Gabrielle is given clemency as Holmes requests it for her but later she is executed. In ASiB Irene is saved from execution by Sherlock.
TPLoSH: Dr Watson leaves a case that contains items associated with Holmes and himself, to be opened 50 years after their deaths. BBC Sherlock, in Many Happy Returns, Lestrade brings a box to John with items related to their cases.
TPLoSH: Holmes meets the Queen via Mycroft. In ASiB Sherlock and John are in Buckingham Palace to take a case with royal connections..
I am sure I am overlooking several other references. Let me know!
This is totally brilliant. I’m reposting because I thought of some more:
TPLOSH: The director of the Russian ballet explains to Petrova that “women not his (Holmes’) glass of tea.” In ASIP Sherlock says to John that girlfriends aren’t really his area.
TPLOSH: Holmes goes looking for Gabrielle’s suitcase, which is exactly what Sherlock does in ASIP.
TPLOSH: Holmes complains that there are “no great crimes anymore”, just as Sherlock does in TGG when he says he’s bored.
TPLOSH: Holmes gets an appeal to find some missing midgets which he dismisses because he thinks they just ran off to another circus for more money. Only then it turns out the midgets are actually relevant to the big case. In ASIB there are two clients (a man who says the ash in the urn isn’t human, and two children who weren’t allowed to see their granddad after his death) that Sherlock dismisses but then those cases were actually related to the Bond air plot because the bodies were used on the plane. Also, Sherlock ridicules Bluebell in THoB, only then it becomes relevant later.
TPLOSH: Holmes is doing a study on tobacco ash. And we know Sherlock wrote an epic article on tobacco ash that he published on his website. (There are other mentions of ash in both the film and the show).
TPLOSH: Just after the mention of the ash study, Mrs. Hudson comments: “I’m sure there’s a crying need for that.” We get her saying the same exact thing in Sherlock in TEH when Sherlock talks to Mycroft about a blog he wrote on natural fibres.
TPLOSH: Holmes’ direct and harsh way of questioning Gabrielle is reminiscent of Sherlock’s rather rude way of asking the house mistress in TRF what happened to the kids in the school.
TPLOSH: Holmes asks Mrs. Hudson about the last time she dusted, Sherlock does the same in TRF when he’s looking for the bugs Moriarty planted in the flat.
Watson immediately mentions The Hounds of Baskerville case
In my lifetime, I have recorded some
sixty cases demonstrating the singular
gift of my friend Sherlock Holmes –
dealing with everything from The Hound of
the Baskervilles to his mysterious
brother Mycroft and the devilish
Professor Moriarty.
The dog one?
Do you mean The Hound of the Baskervilles?
Opening onto street
Mrs. Hudson greets them after a long extended stay
It was August of 1887, and we were
returning from Yorkshire, where Holmes
had solved the baffling murder of Colonel
Mrs. Hudson complains of no warning of their arrival
I do wish you’d give me a little more
warning when you come home unexpected. I
would have roasted a goose – and had
some flowers for you.
Mr. Holmes. I do wish you’d let me know when you’re planning to come home.
Holmes gives his excuse while brandishing things
My dear Mrs. Hudson – criminals are as unpredictable as head-colds. You never quite know when you’re going to catch one.
I hardly knew myself Mrs. Hudson. That’s the trouble with dismembered country squires – they’re notoriously difficult to schedule.
Watson’s stories are complained about
Oh, come now, Watson, you must admit that
you have a tendency to over-romanticize.
You have taken my simple exercises in
logic and embellished them, exaggerated
I never enjoy them.
Well I never say anything do I? According to you I just show people up the stairs and serve you breakfast.
Watson blames the illustrator
That’s not my doing. Blame it on the illustrator.
Oh, blame it on the illustrator – he’s out of control!