9 Surreal Places You Need To Visit Before You Die



Words can’t describe the incredibly surreal places that exist all over the world. Instead of flocking to the tourist packed locations, you may want to visit these magical landscapes featured in our list below. Tantalizing images of beautiful natural lands and exotic locations that will have you thinking you stepped into a fairytale of an artist’s dream, here are 9 places to go before you die. Oh, and yes, that is glow in the dark water, this place is real!

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Lessons from a 747 pilot


Mark Vanhoenacker is a pilot for British Airways and also the author of the well-reviewed Skyfaring, a book about the human experience of flight. Vanhoenacker recently shared six things he’s learned from being a pilot for the past 15 years.

I came up with the term “place lag” to refer to the way that airliners can essentially teleport us into a moment in a far-off city; getting us there much faster, perhaps, than our own deep sense of place can travel. I could be in a park in London one afternoon, running, or drinking a coffee and chatting to the dog-walkers. Later I’ll go to an airport, meet my colleagues, walk into a cockpit, and take off for Cape Town. I’ll fly over the Pyrenees and Palma and see the lights of Algiers come on at sunset, then sail over the Sahara and the Sahel. I’ll cross the equator, and dawn will come to me as I parallel the Skeleton Coast of Namibia, and finally I’ll see Table Mountain in the distance as I descend to the Mother City.

Then, less than an hour after the long-stilled wheels of the 747 were spun back to life by the sun-beaten surface of an African runway, I’ll be on a bus heading into Cape Town, sitting in rush hour traffic, on an ordinary morning in which, glancing down through the windshield of a nearby car, I’ll see a hand lift a cup of coffee or reach forward to tune the radio. And I’ll think: All this would still be going on if I hadn’t flown here. And that’s equally true of London, and of all the other cities I passed in the long night, that I saw only the lights of. For everyone, and every place, it’s the present.

hella places to go on street view


canals of venice // metropolitan museum of art // taj mahal // eiffel tower // versailles // burj khalifa // moma // canadian parliament // the white house // diagon alley // national portrait gallery (usa)  // national gallery (uk) // christ the redeemer // mount fuji // cern // hashima island // grand canyon // scott’s hut (antarctica) // japanese mineshaft // angkor wat // railway in the swiss alps // cinque terre // musee d’orsay // allure of the seas cruise ship // chateau de fontainebleu // wieliczka salt mine // colusseum // everest base camp // mudslide bridge // tengboche monestary // berg field center // tokyo tower // trafalgar square // central park // royal palace of amsterdam // tardis // acropolis museum // kunsthistorisches museum // frick collection // smithsonian american art museum // tokyo national museum

Arrived safe. 782 miles. Thirteen hours and thirty minutes with stops for lunch and dinner. And in three days we get to drive back.

And they don’t have internet (staying with family) so I’m limited to the mobile for now.