Tumblr’s logo cycles through different pride flags when you hover over it
Happy Pride Month, Tumblr!
Your text here
Reblog plus comment
Reblog with reaction GIF
Reblog missing the point entirely and making it all about some wrong done to the reblogger
Reference to last month’s forgotten meme intended as an ironic eyeroll
Rant about how everything has to be so meta nowadays.
outRAged Accusations
making it all about my thing
Supernatural gif
OMG we really do have a gif for everything!!!
Annoyed comment about how supernatural has a gif for everything
Another Supernatural gif making it expressly clear that we aren’t even sorry
*does laundry but like in a punk way*
*does laundry but in a musical theatre way*
*does musical theatre but in a punk way*
*does punk but in a musical theatre way*
*does musical theater but in a laundry way*
this is my favorite post
hang on.. so in the rest of the world it’s equally normal to eat candy in any day of the week????? like, eating candy on a wednesday is about as OK as eating it on a saturday???
the tags on this post are A+
What the fuck sweden
I feel like this is the entire country of Sweden playing a prank on the rest of the world.
tumblr mobile doesn’t discriminate
between the sinners and the saints
it breaks and it breaks and it breaks
but we keep using it anyway
every picture it paints
it paints as a square filled with grey
and if there’s a reason i’m still online
when my phone’s almost died
it’s that i’m willing to wait for it
i’m willing to wait for it
Tumblr mobile is doing this annoying thing where turning off notifications isn’t sticking. So if I go into the app for any reason, notifications turn on wether I want them to or not. I can turn them off. But the minute I go into the app again they come back on.
tumblr executive: *throws a dart at a dartboard*
tumblr executive: ok team, the Magic Dartboard says we’ve gotta change the little icons on the bottom
team: all hail the glorious Board