Honestly Tim Curry was great and all, but in terms of actual formative impact on my life I think nothing tops the unicorns from Legends.
This was my first major exposure to the concept of unicorns, and I loved this movie so much and watched it so many times, that traditional unicorns with their deer or goat-like proportions just look wrong to me. XD Except for in the animated movie of The Last Unicorn, because everyone has spindly legs in that art style, even the Red Bull. But as far as my subconscious mind is concerned, unicorns are supposed to look like horses. Not goats, not ponies, not even sleek Arabians with their dish-shaped faces and shiny coats. QUARTER HORSES. Ye standard warmblooded work horse. And the bigger the better, honestly. Later on (but still as a kid) I discovered draft horses and fell in love with their muscles and lustrous manes and feathered hooves. My ideal unicorn now would probably be dappled Percheron with a horn as big around as my arm.
Look at that. Truly a mystical creature of secrets and beauty.
I am strongly in favor of all of this and will make notes
whats the difference between bi people and unicorns
i can see unicorns on movies and tv
I told this to my mum and she was like “That’s not t… yes it is.”
Also, unicorns on tv are called unicorns, not ‘horses that don’t like labels’
horses that don’t like labels