Quoting vines in Rome to see who responds. So far we have:
In the Colosseum, a tour guide was talking about who sat where and when they mentioned that the emperor and some other guy sat in one place, I said “And they were roommates!” And one of the girls on the tour said “oh my god! Zey ver voomates!” In a thick German accent before glaring at me.
And an alcove in the Vatican Museum with nothing in it and I quietly said “this bitch empty” and a British girl yelled “YEET” before realising her mistake and telling me to go fuck myself.
you know how people say ‘cursed post’ ‘cursed image’ etc you know what’s a cursed vine? that fucking vine of the nickelback song edited to have him say “look at this graaaaph” and he holds a powerpoint graph up. the fucking vocal equivalent of photoshop. the fact that they use the part of the video where he’s just weirdly staring at the camera. the fact that the music keeps playing with no vocals. it’s fuckin darksided y’all
Managing to fit any awkward silence into 6 seconds is a talent unto itself