
Remember today when you see 100+ articles about how ‘civil’ and ‘noble’ H.W. Bush was that today is World AIDS Day. That 100,000 people, many LGBT+ individuals, especially gay men, died under his and Reagan’s watch. That he banned HIV+ people from entering the US, reduced research funding, and prevented educators from speaking about safe sex in favor of abstinence only education.






PSA the ppl who do these vids are from Minnesota

This is too ridiculous not to reblog.

1) the music
2) how does the person in there even see?
3) also skating over its own tail
4) how is NO ONE on the ice fazed by this at all?
5) skating over its own tail
6) also is it hot in there?
7) there is a freaking T-Rex on the ice- how is no one staring?

8) going so fast the head tips right back so it looks like it’s permanently screaming

9) the high five at the beginning

10) wiggling

10) The spins