Freudian Fandom: Our daddy vs Our son


I’ve been thinking that it’s really interesting that, at least in the Sherlock fandom, there are two aesthetics of how we, broadly speaking, relate to Benedict Cumberbatch vs Martin Freeman.

Now, I know not all of us think of things this way, but the concept is out there; the idea of these actors as, ‘daddy’, and, ‘son’.  The thing I find fascinating is that each fandom (if we were to pretend they’re discrete groups) has an aesthetic that seems to follow from the relationship it implies between the actors and the fans.

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  • 36:Unpopular opinions

Hmm, well I really don’t like Stranger in a Strange land. I read it once and I could never get through it again. And I like Heinlein. (no idea if this an unpopular opinion or not)


Do any of you long-time followers remember the time when I used to put out like 2 or 3 drawings a week? Man, what happened to that version of me?

I think that was around the same time I was putting out 2-3 fics a week, so I feel you. I’m putting out, what, one a month now?

But hey, do what you can, you’ve improved and I always love to see new art by you.

Sherlock’s Notebook – janto321 (FaceofMer) – Sherlock (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Sherlock’s Notebook – janto321 (FaceofMer) – Sherlock (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

15 and 29?

15 five most influential books over your lifetime.
Ender’s Game – Orson Scott Card
Time Enough for Love – Robert Heinlien
The Bible
The Crystal Cave Trilogy – Mary Stewart
Nine Billion Names of God – Arthur C. Clarke

29 three songs that you connect with right now.
Um, no judging?
All about that bass – Meghan Trainor
Shake it Off – Taylor Swift
Pompeii- Bastille