There. I have now finally seen love actually.
I am grinning like a damned idiot now. That was cute.
Thank you so much to stitchnik and 221b-bakingstreet for streaming it!
Just another WordPress site
There. I have now finally seen love actually.
I am grinning like a damned idiot now. That was cute.
Thank you so much to stitchnik and 221b-bakingstreet for streaming it!
Am I the only one who thinks of John at Baskerville when Bilbo puts his hand over his mouth in the Hobbit trailer?
rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you then make 11 new ones (also tag the tagger)
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to your post
rule 4: let them know you’ve tagged them
I got tagged twice, so here’s more then you probably wanted to know. lol:Dvancecinco:
1.What’s your favorite candle scent? Cotton
2.Do you sit in the corner of the sofa or in the middle? My spot is the left corner
3.Do you prefer soft light or really bright, almost blue (LED) light? Soft
4.Laptop or desktop? laptop
5.Cloudy days or sunny days? sunny, but I don’t mind a bit of cloud
6.What are your thoughts on artificial grape flavoring? there is nothing more disgusting then a grap flavored apple
7.Warm colors or cool colors? cool
8.What are your thoughts on pumpkin spice everything? it’s okay, not my favorite
9.You’re stuck on a desert island with one film to watch (just go with it). What is your film of choice? Um….the muppet movie
10.A film that makes you cry. The Patriot
11.Curtains or blinds? Curtains are so much better.Willietheplaidjacket:
1. What’s the last thing you wrote down (as in with pen and paper, not typed)? where my money was going to this paycheck. Then the shower smut I just posted to make myself feel better.
2. One film/TV show you hate that everyone else seems to love?Big Bang Theory
3. Does anyone in real life know about your tumblr? hubby and roommate
4. Have you ever laughed while drinking and then liquid has come out of your nose? yes. Soda burns.
5. Favourite item of clothing you own? My Jack Harkness coat
6. If you could swap any part of your body with that of another person, what would it be and with whom? uh. my eyes for something lighter?
7. How often do you use a dictionary? not often. thesarus all the time
8. How many miles must a man walk down before you can call him a man? 69
9. First 18/NC-17 rated film you ever saw (or that you remember seeing) and how old were you? Schindler’s List when I was 17?
10. Do you like going to the theatre? yes but I rarely get to go
11. I invite you over to my house for a night, no expectations, no motives. It’s all up to you; what do we get up to? We pop in your favorite movies I haven’t seen and you draw and I write and we make something amazing.
And 11 new questions:
1.What’s a movie I probably haven’t seen that I need to?
2.What is your favorite muppet?
3.Favorite guilty pleasure musician?
4.How many siblings do you have?
5.Would you go on a date with Jack Harkness?
6.Top 3 favorite books?
7.Dogs, cats or fish?
8.Any food you can’t stand?
9.Favorite word?
10.Mountains or beaches?
11.Favorite season?
have you ever noticed that some tumblr users come in sets
like they never stop talking to/about the other person so you may as well follow them too
it’s like buy one, get one free
1. Always post the rules.
2. Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
3. Tag 11 people and link them.
4. Let them know that they are tagged
I was tagged by theonceandfuturemom
1. have you ever cheated on your partner? Yes, many many years ago. One of my few regrets.
2. If you met The Doctor today, would you chuck everything and just go? (thoughtful answer, please) I would. There’s very little in my day to day life that I would miss. Tumblr. lol.
3. Would you cheat in school? The last time I cheated in school was in 5th grade and I got caught and I’ve never cheated since because I felt way guilty.
4. have you lied to your parents about something important? Not really, unless you count lies of omission
5. Would you be willing to wait until you got married to have sex? I nearly did. My husband was my first (part of what lead to answer 1)
6. Would you have sex with someone famous just because they’re famous? Possibly. Only if I found them really attractive.
7. Have you ever had a gay experience or a straight experience, if you’re gay)? One time, I liked it
8. What is the nastiest thing you’ve ever eaten? Calf fries. It’s deep fried calf balls in gravy 🙂
9. what do you want to be when you grow up? I’m still trying to figure that out. A writer.
10. What makes you proud of you? When someone really likes my writing. My produst moment was probably graduating boot camp.
11. what is your all time favorite movie? probably the Muppet movie.
You know how when you track a tag it’ll tell you similar tags? Right now this is what’s coming up for my name.
I’m just going to blame willietheplaidjacket for that one. And possibly dvancecinco…
Welcome to the club
Do we get club jackets?
You REALLY don’t want to know about the secret handshake (unless you’re into that kind of thing)
You know how when you track a tag it’ll tell you similar tags? Right now this is what’s coming up for my name.
I’m just going to blame willietheplaidjacket for that one. And possibly dvancecinco…
Welcome to the club
Do we get club jackets?