

I feel like, if, while writing a fic, you find yourself muttering “I am so going to hell for this,” you’re probably doing it right

Umm…so I just did the whole evil laugh thing- so I’m pretty sure that means I agree with you :p

Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies.



willow555 replied to your post “I consistently accidentally call John Barrowman, Jack, and Jack…”

I’ve done that so many times 😉 It’s totally dumb because it may never happen but one of my biggest fears is that I’ll do that if I ever get to meet him at a con.

I’m sure if you accidentally call John Barrowman Jack, he’d be the LAST person on earth to get upset by it

In fact, he probably secretly loves it because he wants to be Captain Jack Harkness just as much as the rest of us want to be/want him to be.

willow555 replied to your post: A very short Torchlock ficlet for sup…

So cute! I wish it was longer. I may need to start writing some of my own crossovers here…although finishing my current WIP might be a good idea first :p

I wanted it to be longer myself but ran out of time >.< Ended up working on ilium last night instead of this. But Ilium is almost done and I’m not writing any s3 fics until it’s over, so we’ll see.

And I love superwholockthecomics fanwork friday prompts!