But what about vampire history teachers. Vampires who read something from a text book then proceed to light the book on fire and throw it out the window because “No. that’s not even close to what really happened. Listen up nerds I’m about to teach you what really happened in France during the revolution”
I need this as a series
Vampires sharing the recipe for Greek fire.
Vampires speaking in dead languages.
Vampires being able to translate untranslatable scripts.
Vampires who react to straightwashing historical figures like “Are you kidding me everyone knew that man was queer!”
Vampires from cultures who were once antagonistic towards each other stubbornly maintaining a friendship that’s lasted longer than their civilizations.
Vampires who honour forgotten deities you won’t find in mythology books.
Also, vampires who secretly saved stuff from the Library of Alexandra.
Eventually, the current Avengers cast is gonna age out. RDJ is in his 50s now, and by the end of infinity war a lot of contracts will be up and cast members may wanna move on to new things. Marvel will have made a shit ton of money by then, so, of course, they have the option to slow down and take a break. They also have the option to make more solo title films, and miniseries with Netflix (which I hope they do, starting with a BLACK GODDAMN WIDOW MOVIE).
But if they want a superhero team, well, it’s way too early to reboot the Avengers. (especially seeing what a disaster the premature Spider-man reboot was).
So instead, plant some seeds for the next generation – Easter eggs, or cameos in the current films.
Give us more Cassie Lang, playing with her dad’s gear.
Give us a muslim girl in Jersey looking out her window in excitement as Carol Danvers flies by.
Give us a young black boy handing Cap back his shield with a smile and a salute.
Give us a dark-haired girl with a Hawkeye t-shirt picking out a bow and arrow at a sporting goods store.
And at the end of infinity war, kill Loki off. Let him go out in a grand fashion, a sacrifice play in a game played by his own rules, with a smirk on his face as he burns.
Then, in the post-credits scene, give us a shot of a street in Paris. A little boy picks a tourist’s pocket, then slips away into an alley before he’s spotted. The boy looks at his ill-gotten gains, then looks up at the audience and smiles, before waving his hand and prompting the screen to go dark in a flash of shimmering green.
for a long time, I’ve been saying that I just want a cheesy predictable Katherine Heigl-style rom-com about two women in love that ends with them happily married
Really hoping that in the special, Victorian!Sherlock goes to enlist the help of one of the workers in the morgue. Victorian!Molly might possibly be the lone woman in there, and they only let her be an assistant, but she knows her stuff. After quickly deducing who might be of the most help and the least annoying, Sherlock ends up picking Molly, leaving all the men looking flabbergasted and angry.
I’d also like to think that maybe Molly publishes papers under M. Hooper or something, and when asked about it she just tells people her brother writes them so they will leave her be, but Sherlock quickly figures out that it’s her and has always been a fan of her work.